Module 9: HTML5 Features

Module 9 explores various HTML5 features that enhance the functionality and usability of web pages. Here's a detailed overview:

  1. New HTML5 elements: HTML5 introduced several new semantic elements such as <header>, <footer>, <nav>, <section>, and <article>. These elements provide clearer semantics and help organize content more effectively, improving accessibility and SEO.
  2. HTML5 form elements: HTML5 introduced new input types such as date, email, url, etc., which allow for better input validation and user experience. For example, the date input type provides a date picker, and the email input type validates email addresses. Additionally, attributes like required, min, and max provide further validation capabilities.
  3. Geolocation and local storage: HTML5 introduced APIs for accessing the user's geographical location and storing data locally in the browser. The Geolocation API allows web applications to request the user's location (with their permission), enabling location-based services. Local storage provides a way to store data persistently on the user's device, improving offline capabilities and performance.

Here are some examples of using HTML5 features:

Example 1: Using New Semantic Elements

Main Heading

Article Title

Article content goes here.

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Example 2: Using HTML5 Form Elements

Example 3: Using Geolocation API

Utilizing HTML5 features not only improves the functionality of web pages but also enhances their accessibility, user experience, and search engine optimization.