Module 5: Images and Multimedia

Module 5 covers the usage of images and multimedia content in web development. Here's a breakdown of the key topics:

  1. Inserting images ( element): Images are essential for enhancing the visual appeal of web pages. They can be inserted using the <img> element with the src attribute specifying the image file's URL. Example:
  2. Example Image
  3. Image attributes: Various attributes can be used to customize the display of images. The alt attribute provides alternative text for screen readers and search engines, enhancing accessibility. Additionally, attributes like width and height can be used to define the image dimensions, optimizing page loading speed and layout.
  4. Adding audio and video content ( In addition to images, web pages can include audio and video content using the <audio> and <video> elements. These elements support various file formats and provide controls for playback, volume adjustment, and fullscreen mode. Example: