Lesson 1: Document Type Declaration

The document type declaration () is an essential component of every HTML document. It informs the web browser about the version of HTML being used. For modern HTML5 documents, the declaration is . This declaration ensures that the browser renders the document correctly according to the specified HTML standard. This declaration is the very first thing that appears on our code

Lesson 2: HTML Elements

HTML documents are made up of various elements that define the structure and content of the page. Some common HTML elements include:

Lesson 3: Meta Tags

Meta tags provide metadata about the HTML document. They are placed within the <head> section of the document and are not displayed on the webpage. Some commonly used meta tags include:

Lesson 4: Title Element

The <title> element defines the title of the HTML document, which appears in the browser's title bar or tab. It is an essential element for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) as it helps search engines understand the content of the page. The title should accurately describe the content of the webpage and be relevant to its subject matter.